The Power of One Word

Happy New Year! According to U.S. News & World Report, 80% of people will fail at accomplishing their New Year’s resolutions by mid-February. That is a staggering statistic considering 93% of adult American’s set at least one resolution before the new year. 

That is why this year I am trimming down on the number of resolutions and goals I have for 2020 and I am focusing on one word to define my year. Last year my word was invest. I aimed to invest in my faith and relationships, invest financially, and invest in my business. This year, my one word is blessing. I want to be a blessing to others in all areas of life. Choosing one word has brought a lot of focus to my life. Here are three reasons why I think choosing a one word can benefit you in 2020…

1. Decision Making: Having one word helps you exercise better discernment. When faced with obstacles, trials, or opportunities you can ask yourself if the experience will help you live out your one word. For example, will this current opportunity allow me to be a blessing to others?

2. Clarity: Choosing one word gives your year a singular focus. Instead of trying to remember your long list of goals seven months from now, you can most definitely remember your one word throughout the entire year.

3. Simplicity: Sometimes I am guilty of having paralysis by analysis. I try to make sure everything is perfect before I pursue a goal or a dream. Having one word helps you keep things simple. Decide what you want to do this year and go for it. Choose a word that is personal to you but helps you focus on your mission.

Whether you have one word for this year or you have a list of twenty goals, my hope for you in the new year is that you use the gifts and talents you have been given to be a blessing to others. Let’s have a great year!

About the Author: Alex Demczak is a former SEC quarterback, Author of Thrive U, and Motivational speaker. Alex challenges businesses, schools, sports teams, and non-profits to maximize their potential and make a difference. Alex is currently booking virtual workshops, one on one coaching, and in person speaking engagements for 2020-2021. You can follow Alex on Instagram at @AlexDemczak or connect with him at