8 Things We Can All Learn From Kobe Bryant

Shocking and heartbreaking news over the weekend–learning of the death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and other passengers in a helicopter crash. In honor of Kobe’s early-career jersey number eight, here are 8 things Kobe can teach us about sports, business, and most importantly, life.

1. Do what you love: At the end of our lives, we won’t care about the money we made, championships we won, or fame we amassed. We will care about the relationships we built and the people we love. In a recent interview with USA Today, Kobe said, “You got to do what you love. I love inspiring kids and providing them with tools that are going to help them.”

2. Don’t get bored with the basics: Fellow keynote speaker and author, Alan Stein Jr., had the chance to work out with Kobe on a few occasions. During those workouts, Kobe shared an interesting insight about his success. Kobe said that he was always willing to do the basic drills and disciplines that other players were not. He did the “boring stuff” over and over until he was the best!

3. Use your platform to make a positive impact: Kobe was always looking to make an impact on others. Whether he was coaching his daughter’s basketball team, creating books for kids, or giving away millions of dollars through his foundation, he was focused on making life better for those around him.

4. Let go of grudges, and love:  Early in their careers, teammates Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe had a long-lasting public feud. Eventually, they both put their issues behind them, reconciled and loved each other as friends for many years.

5. The Mamba Mentality: In his own words, Kobe described the Mamba Mentality as “Being the best version of yourself.”

6. Get better every day: In the same interview with USA today, Kobe said, “I am on a constant quest to be better today than I was yesterday.”

7. Never stop learning: As an adult, Kobe became fluent in Italian and Spanish. He also wrote a series of kids’ books, and even won an Oscar for his short film in 2018. After Kobe’s basketball career, he founded Granity Studios and became passionate about telling stories to help the next generation.

8. Our lives are a vapor: Simply put, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Psalm 90:12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” No one is invincible. Acknowledge the blessings that you have been given and live your life on purpose this week!

RIP Kobe Bryant

– Alex